The smoothie craze has taken over Nairobi and many snack outlets and restaurants are making big sales our of this. Today our chief chef decided to show you just how you can prepare your own chocolate banana smoothie right at the comfort of your home.

Prep time: 10 min


1 tbs unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 tablespoon honey
1 cup milk.
4 ice cubes.
1 ripe banana
whipped cream (optional).


Cut the banana up.
Put the milk and ice cubes in a blender.
Add the cocoa powder,honey/sugar .
blend the mixture till its smooth and no banana lumps are seen.
Pour in a glass and garnish with some whiped cream and some chocolate shavings.
Mmmmmm yuuuuuummmmm.

TIP: If you are looking to add a litle weight you can add some protein in your smoothie .

Serve your smoothie cold for best results .

Guten apetit?????

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