Food For Thought

Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) - Raila, Kenyatta Satire with Kenyan Constitution

Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) – Raila, Kenyatta Satire with Kenyan Constitution

Building bridges initiative was a journey meant to accomplish Kenya's dream since it's independence so they said ,well they still say so The "proposals" born out of truce between Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta following their dramatic...
Doing Good

Doing Good for Goodness Sake

What ever happened to the idea of doing good merely for the reason that it is 'good to do good'? We are living in a world where it seems normal and acceptable to have ulterior...
Black sheep

To The ‘Black sheeps’

Are you or have you ever been the black sheep of your family? Well… You just can't help it but make mistakes over and over and over again. You are defined as the stubborn one;...

When Your Nature is Your Weakness

Have you ever felt like the way you are engineered, like your natural personality, that is, being you, prevents you from getting opportunities that can advance your personal growth? Like being you mostly holds...
Workplace romance. Fotophreak Magazine

Why Workplace Romance Can Be Good for Business in the 21st Century

Workplace romance can be a tricky subject to navigate. Some people believe it can lead to conflicts of interest, awkwardness in the workplace, and even harassment allegations. Others see it as a natural part...
The Perk's Picture


Let me ask you something, do you have trouble fitting in? Is your foot always in your mouth? Do you have trouble expressing what you really feel most of the time? Do you end...