Among the million unresolved questions about the reasons of human existence, I’ve gotten the answer to mine…You. You”re my masterpiece. From the very moment I set my eyes on the most precious thing, I believed in miracles to the core. Such a gift to be bestowed upon me to explore your world each day. This, I dedicate to you my little girl
Your little brown eyes that stare deeply into mine, bring warmth and cheer to my heart each day. Your lips so tiny and soft suckling on my breasts tickle me and lift my spirits even when I’m having blues. Your little hands grasping on my finger and small kicks whenever I change your diapers brighten my day.
I pray as a mother I teach you strength and passion, to carry through the world’s struggles, that you believe in yourself and know everything is possible. I pray dreaming awakens your soul to limitless possibilities.
And baby I hope the most precious mysteries of life stay with you always. And you’re never ashamed of how bright your light is as you soar through life.
When tomorrow starts without me, and I’m not here to see, don’t think we’re apart, for every time you think of me I’ll be right in your heart. And i hope you grow to love me, as I love you too.
And finally baby, I hate to say this, but most people you come across are going to hurt you or break your heart, pretty much all of them- but you can’t give up because if you do you will never realize your dreams. Keep trying, hold on and always believe in yourself. Keep your head high and your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling  , because, life’s a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.



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